Our new site is live!
2.5 years ago we started Nerds Like Us! And we have turned our hobby into our job. First of all, we would like to thank you all for all the support and support over the years! On to many more!
To be honest, our site has always been a through in our eyes, having said that, we both knew nothing about code and "the easy website building sites" turned out not to be very smooth either. That's over now, and the new look and layout I LOVE IT!
If you encounter an error or something on the site, a link that is not working properly (no, not the one after zelda) let us know! Feedback is always welcome. Also if you have suggestions or are looking for certain things, please let us know.
Have fun on our new site, see you in the store or see you at one of the fairs!
Hasta La Vista Baby!